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Need some help?

by | Mar 23, 2020 | Uncategorised

There are various support mechanisms available for businesses (Co-operatives, Councils, Mutuals, Companies etc) and various support mechanisms for individuals / sole traders who have been economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

You are invited to participate in a discussion (via Zoom) that will focus on accessing the various funding.

You may have general questions around eligibility, potential size of assistance your business is eligible for and things you must do to comply.

You may have general questions about how to replace your lost personal income.

Your questions are welcome – and we will do our best to answer them. 


You: You’re welcome to attend if you are wondering how to access the various government support initiatives available to businesses or individuals.

Who: Ken Lipschitz the MD of Your Portal will be speaking and Andrew Ward will be hosting.

What: Short presentation of the various business supports available and the various  personal / self employed / sole trader supports available.  This will be followed by Q&A.

When: 24th March 2:30pm (Sydney / Melbourne time)

Where: Zoom 

How Much: FREE

community business help